Scripts for stage, radio and television Commnunity Theatre Oral History Books


Scripts for Stage, Radio and Television, apart from Community Plays.

Rib Davis has written dozens of scripts for BBC Radio 4 (single plays such as A Few Kind Words and Corridor and series of dramatised features such as Murder Most Foul and Unwritten Law) and Radio 3 (Everything Will Be Fine) as well as an adaptation for BBC Schools Radio of Nina Bawden’s novel Carrie’s War (he has also written a number of stage plays for children and young people.)

For television he has written episodes for ITV’s The Bill, an adaptation of his own award-winning stage play No Further Cause for Concern for BBC2 and other scripts for the Open University and BBC. 

Apart from No Further Cause for Concern (Cardiff and Edinburgh; winner of Fringe First Award) his stage plays include Cartagena! (Northampton Royal Theatre), Fetlock to Forecourt (S. Bucks Touring), Chasing Toplis (Palace Productions) and The Fight in the Dog, commissioned by Playing for Time Theatre and presented in Winchester Prison in 2014.  

His stage play The Sword of Alex, exploring nationalism and toxic masculinity, was produced at The White Bear theatre, London, in the autumn of 2018.     

Rib Davis was the National Life Stories Goodison Fellow 2018-'19, in which capacity he wrote a new play Safe, taking as its starting point the Holocaust-related interviews in the National Life Stories collection held at the British Library.  .  This is planned for production in 2025.

He is currently working on a play commissioned by Manchester University, based on interviews in Manchester, Barcelona and Sardinia, around the impact of policies of austerity. 

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